
Looks like fooch...

This is the paint bucket in my art class. Since the acrylic has so much plastic in it we have to dispose of it in another way other then just by tossing it.

It's colorful. That's for sure.
This is art on its very own!

Oh, and by the way, my niece was born today! Her name is Camdyn Leigh and she's 8 pounds 8 ounces (big baby). No photos of her yet because my sister lives in Chandler, Arizona (while I'm all the way down in Tucson, 2 hours away) and I have to stay here until all of my finals are over. =(
I plan to see her Saturday so expect those photos then!!! I'm so excited!

This is Joann, my older sister (by 7 years) and her husband Josh.

It's so weird having your older sister have a baby. I grew up with her and then she's having a kid that's all her own. It's crazy. Does any one else feel that way or is it just me? Am I just being weird about this?

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