It's colorful. That's for sure.
This is art on its very own!
Oh, and by the way, my niece was born today! Her name is Camdyn Leigh and she's 8 pounds 8 ounces (big baby). No photos of her yet because my sister lives in Chandler, Arizona (while I'm all the way down in Tucson, 2 hours away) and I have to stay here until all of my finals are over. =(
I plan to see her Saturday so expect those photos then!!! I'm so excited!
This is Joann, my older sister (by 7 years) and her husband Josh.
It's so weird having your older sister have a baby. I grew up with her and then she's having a kid that's all her own. It's crazy. Does any one else feel that way or is it just me? Am I just being weird about this?